I just finished a cursory examination of the Marathon’s radar, infrared and visual light sensor logs. I’ve determined that the Alien ship must have a faster-than-light drive because I have found no record of a ship entering the Tau Ceti System. Considering how extensive the Marathon’s sensors are, it would be almost impossible to conceal a ship as big as the Pfhor’s, which is nearly two kilometers long.
With this knowledge, sending a light-speed transmission to Sol may be futile, but it is the only possible way to warn Earth of a hostile alien race. We $Bmust$b try.
When the Aliens initially attacked, the entire G-4 Sunbathing Loading Station suffered explosive decompression, leaving the entire station in vacuum.
Since the area is in vacuum, you will need to replenish your oxygen supply. There is an oxygen supply outlet in the center of the Station.
#checkpoint 0
This is where you are now.
The secondary relay needs to be manually reset. The dish array is in the upper left corner(of the map) of the G4-Sunbathing Landing Station.
#checkpoint 1
This is the dish array. Once you reach it, reset all four of the control switches.
#checkpoint 2
Proceed to the terminal at this location, and I will transport you off the station.
The area’s doors are not functioning properly, so I don’t know the best route to the dish array. You will have to find it yourself.